The Questionnaire
This questionnaire is very extensive.

Where it states: "
Please Select One" you MUST select one of the options,
or upon submitting the form you will be returned to the questionnaire and will have to start over again.

Tell me how to get in touch with you:

Email (required)
City ,  State/Province
Evening Tel

How did you find our Website?

How much to you expect to pay for a puppy?

Family Info:

Age of Person submitting this questionnaire:     18-40    40-65           65 or older

Number of other adults in your household (over the age of 18):  

If you do not currently have any children, are you planning to start a family in the future?  
No Yes Our children are grown  We have children under the age of 7 visit

Ages and gender of minor children who will interact with the puppy/dog:

Does anyone in your family have allergies? ( If yes, please specify)  

Who is going to be the primary caregiver?   

Details of your family's residence: 


Puppy Caregiving:

How many hours per day will this puppy/dog be left alone?  

If more than 6 hours, will someone be able to "potty" the puppy at lunch, or will you hire a dog walker?           

If you work during the day, where will the puppy be?

Where will the puppy/dog be when no one is home?  

Where will the puppy/dog sleep at night?  

Where will the dog PRIMARILY spend its time?   

What would you do with the dog if you suddenly found yourself unable to keep it? 

Dog Training:


Do you plan to take this puppy to puppy kindergarten/obedience class?    

Will you use a crate to train your puppy?    



How do you plan to contain your puppy while it is outside? (check all that apply)

  Kennel run (existing)
Kennel run (will build)
Fenced yard (existing)
Fenced yard (will install)
Hidden fence
Housedog - out on Leash only
No restraint - my dog can run loose

When the puppy is in the car, will it be contained? If so, how?

Past Dog Experience:

Is this your first dog?  

Do you have any dogs now?   If yes, please list their breed, gender, age, if spayed/neutered:

If you don't have the dog(s), why don't you have it? (please be specific)

Did/Do you have any problems (health, training, behavior, etc) with current/previous dogs? (be specific):

List any other pets you currently own:

Have you ever had to euthanize a dog? If so, why?

Have you ever had to take an animal to a shelter or pound? If, yes, please provide details:

Where did you get your previous or current dog?   Please check all appropriate boxes.

 a breeder  breed rescue  local shelter  stray   pet store  gift

Have you ever returned a dog and if so, why?

Have you ever owned/do you own an American Eskimo before? If yes, from whom did you purchase it, and how long did you have it?  If no, what are your reasons for choosing one now?


What gender do you prefer?   (Male)   (Female)   (Doesn't Matter)    And why.

If the sex you prefer is not available, will you accept a puppy of the opposite sex?  

Would you consider an older puppy or an adult dog?

If yes or possibly, what is the maximum age you would consider?  

Please indicate your interest: 

Show (conformation) Performance (obedience, agility, etc) Breeding OnlyConformation/Breeding Conformation/Performance/Breeding Maybe breedingPet/companion  Therapy


With regard to grooming, I think American Eskimo Dogs require: (check all that apply)

Daily brushing Weekly combing/brushing Full bath/blow dry every 6 weeks or so
Full bath/blow dry more often than every 6 months Groomer twice a year
I don't know

If you are purchasing a pet, will you agree to sign a contract stating that the dog is to be spayed/neutered and not to be used for breeding purposes?


Do you currently have a veterinarian? If so, what is the name/clinic/telephone number, and may I contact them for a reference?


Please tell me a little bit about what you are looking for in an American Eskimo Dog and what type of activities you would likely be pursuing (such as a couch potato, jogging companion, a buddy for the kids, etc.)



Copyright ©2006 Alpine American Eskimos. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 08, 2008.
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